A beautiful hardcover book that celebrates the art and craft of app icon design on the desktop
The App Icon Books are beautiful artbooks dedicated to preserving the craft of app icon design. It's a vibrant journey through the art of desktop and mobile app iconography for macOS an iOS. The book features hundreds of icons created by designers and developers from around the world over the course of more than a decade.
The icons in the book showcase conceptual and executional excellence in icon design and create a tapestry that tells the story of visual design on one of the most influential platforms of our time. It is both a source of inspiration and a historical archive, inspiring new work and preserving old icons for future generations.
Designer og layout af omslag og bogblok. Derudover var jeg projektleder for produktionen. Jeg stod for alt kontakt med trykkeri, hvilket indebar blandt andet, indhentning af papirprøver og udvalg deraf, samt valg af trykmetode og oplæg.